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They did this by changing their recruitment polices. Organizations ought to make sure that the latter benchmarks are adhered to at all times. As it can be seen from the bulleted list above, diversity management involves conducting an environmental audit, the second aspect is offering advice and the third is with regard to advice to all the current employees with regard to persons with disabilities. On top of that, companies are passing such policies in order to ascertain that they compaly to certain. They told most of their old employees to advice person with disabilities to apply for the vacancies. Also, advertisements placed in local newspapers indicted that the company wanted to recruit persons with disabilities The company testified that they were happy with the overall result s of the recruitment be cause al deer print faux fur fabric the individuals taken in attended regularly and were also highly motivated

The country has embraced the issue of diversity within the business environment; consumers, shareholders, suppliers and investors all expect business to manage equality and diversity. Gummerson, E. Of all the one hundred and eight person recruited within the company, a whooping forty percent either had a health condition or had a disability..This should go a long way in helping those individuals on wheel chairs. This company offered positions to a large number of persons with disabilities.

Many companies located within the European Union and The UK specifically have spearheaded the cause of equality and diversity management. The company realized that so many people had not been tapped there and it wanted to embrace that opportunity by making the most of this labor force. Lastly, employers could show their concern for diversity by giving donations to organizations or person with disabilities in order to facilitate their improvement even while they continue with their lives outside the organization. Person with abilities are a very appropriate choice for taking on this tasks. (1991),

Organizations should seek the opinions of disabled person within their organization when preparing an agenda for employment within the company. Some of them include health institutions, IT firms, accounting companies and the like. (Cassell, 2006)

Additionally, a communication company within the UK decided to deliberately seek employing persons with disabilities in their organization. (2002). Divergent Identities? Professions, management and gender. Sanglin-Grant, S. Managing diversity theories can be implemented in a variety of ways through training, policies and procedures and through infrastructural changes. Audits can be conducted annually to review some of the diversity objectives laid out in the persons with disabilities objectives.Kandola and Fullerton (1998) assert that diversity issues need not be seen as impossible to implement because there are many companies out there who are implementing this and have gone a long way in promoting diversity within their environments. The former approach was present at times when managing equality and diversity were a sole reserve of the human resource department. Employers should not imagine that Equality and diversity management will benefit employees alone; it is equally benefiting to the business. This will transform the disabled employees role from a reactive one to a proactive one. Consequently, policies, ideas and theories need to be made transparent for all individuals. (Lane and Piercy, 2003). All employees within the organization need to be aware of diversity management. Kandola and Fullerton (1998) assert that it is possible to train certain persons to become champions of diversity.

Cassell C (2006) ‘Managing Diversity’ in Contemporary Human Resource Management eds Redman and Wilkinson., Hagen, R. However, the latter approach is in line with current perceptions of diversity because it allows organizations a chance to identify potential problems and deal with them early enough.Even legislations designed to protect person with disabilities from discrimination have been passed. At that time, companies had to deal with numerous law suits and court proceedings relating to persons with disabilities. They should not be seen as the recipients of the policies and procedures but should also be considered as rightful stakeholders within the arrangement. (Iles, 1995) This means that companies should conduct regular meetings with person with disabilities to find out what their needs are and what the respective company can do to support them. Consequently, other companies that may not be certain of the route to follow can use these examples. In the book, the authors identify some common elements that need to be adhered to by companies that respect diversity.

A health institution in the UK decided to embrace diversity with regard to person with disabilities by giving them equal opportunities. After the success of the initiative, this company had decided to provide other groups equal opportunities through according interviewees with sound opportunities in the workplace.

The overall purpose of such an initiative is to ensure that all employees/ potential employees with disabilities can access equal opportunities in the business. Consequently, employers who fail to oblige may land in trouble. When organization trains such individuals, then they can stand out as the organization of choice within the workplace

One of the most important procedures with regard to persons with policies and procedures on diversity equality and diversity management is monitoring performance. All these companies have one feature in common; they have made managing diversity and equality as part of their driving force in the environment at all times.
Case studies of companies that have implemented diversity management

Posté le 27/05/2021 à 12:04 par cloblackth
Catégorie Apricot teddy faux fur fabric

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